29 research outputs found

    User driven innovation construct development

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    V prispevku s pomočjo pregledane literature opisujemo spremembe v drubži in druge pogoje, ki so pripomogli k nastanku koncepta na uporabnike osredotočenega inoviranja izdelkov in storitev ter k nastanku usmeritve podjetij po načelih t. i. dizajnerskega razmišljanja. Omenjeni področji sta si v praksi pri rezultatih precej podobni, zato ju bomo povezali v model, ki smo ga poimenovali od uporabnika spodbujeno inoviranje. Predstavljeni model je pionirski prispevek k razvoju znanosti na področju od uporabnika spodbujenega inoviranja, posredno pa tudi na področju koncepta dizajnerskega razmišljanja.In this paper by the literature review we interpreted changes in society and other changing conditions that have contributed to the emergence of user-driven innovation and a Ždesign thinkingʼ approach. The two areas are very similar in practice, so we suggest combining them into a construct. The construct is a pioneer contribution to the development of science in the field of user-driven innovation and the design thinking approach

    User-driven innovation: scale development and validation

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    In dynamic business environments entrepreneurs increasingly strive to customise new products/services to displayed and latent user needs. User-driven innovation (U.D.I.) aims to incorporate user needs by giving users an active role in the innovation process. Despite the growing interest of researchers in U.D.I., empirical evidence remains scarce, because of a lack of a psychometrically sound instrument to enhance insight into U.D.I. This paper derives an integrative definition of U.D.I. from different U.D.I. research streams and proposes a model with three distinctive dimensions of U.D.I.: user involvement, searching feedback and design orientation. Three consecutive studies result in a 13-item U.D.I. scale with appropriate reliability, dimensionality, convergent and discriminant validity. Pilot studies include researchers, entrepreneurs and practitioners. The main study comprises data of 357 S.M.E.s. The analyses confirm the multidimensionality of the proposed construct. This study contributes to existing research of U.D.I. in entrepreneurship by addressing the multidimensional nature of U.D.I. with a new research instrument. The proposed U.D.I. scale can be used in future investigations of U.D.I. The construct is informative also for practitioners in introducing U.D.I. to their companies

    Analiza procesa patentiranja s poudarkom na fazah raziskovalnega procesa

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    This article presents some findings about the process of patenting of Slovenian and foreign researchers in scientific research. Based on the reviewed literature and with help of our conceptual model, we establish that the patenting process can be divided into three separate phases: knowledge detection phase, knowledge dissemination phase and knowledge transfer phase. During the process of researching and patenting, a variety of factors affect the results, which can be divided into two groups: internal and external factors. In Slovenia, patents are statistically significant for researchers working and exploring in the fields of natural science and engineering. Research results in the form of a patent largely depend on financial support and work experiences of individual researchers or research groups. The commercialization of a patent means a successful ending of the research process, as many positive benefits are expected.Članek predstavlja ugotovitve glede procesa patentiranja slovenskih in tujih raziskovalcev v znanstveno-raziskovalni sferi. Na podlagi pregledane literature in s pomočjo modela ugotavljamo, da lahko proces patentiranja razdelimo v tri ločene faze, in sicer fazo odkrivanja znanja, fazo diseminacije znanja in fazo aplikacije/prenosa znanja. Na proces raziskovanja in posledično na patentiranje vplivajo različni dejavniki, ki smo jih razdelili na notranje in zunanje. V Sloveniji so patenti statistično značilni za tiste raziskovalce, ki izhajajo oziroma raziskujejo na naravoslovno-tehničnem področju. Rezultati raziskovanj v obliki patenta so v veliki meri odvisni od finančne podpore in delovnih izkušenj, tako posameznega raziskovalca, kot raziskovalne skupine. Komercializacija patenta je uspešen zaključek raziskovanj, od katere se pričakuje številne pozitivne koristi

    Od uporabnika spodbujeno inoviranje

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    Od uporabnika spodbujeno inoviranje

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    summary:We give a classification of all linear natural operators transforming pp-vectors (i.e., skew-symmetric tensor fields of type (p,0)(p,0)) on nn-dimensional manifolds MM to tensor fields of type (q,0)(q,0) on TAMT^AM, where TAT^A is a Weil bundle, under the condition that p1p\ge 1, npn\ge p and nqn\ge q. The main result of the paper states that, roughly speaking, each linear natural operator lifting pp-vectors to tensor fields of type (q,0)(q,0) on TAT^A is a sum of operators obtained by permuting the indices of the tensor products of linear natural operators lifting pp-vectors to tensor fields of type (p,0)(p,0) on TAT^A and canonical tensor fields of type (qp,0)(q-p,0) on TAT^A

    Obdobje ustvarjalnosti

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    Researcher’s Internal Factors – Are They Really Important in the Patenting Process? The Case of Slovenia

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    This study analyzes patenting motivators and demotivators of Slovenian researchers engaged in scientifi c research throughout the entire research process with a special focus on internal factors using the qualitative research approach. Based on 39 in depth interviews it was found that the research process and subsequent patenting activities are infl uenced by different researchers’ internal factors, identifi ed as motivating or demotivating. They can be further classifi ed into homogenous groups in each phase of the patenting process, with different infl uence on the patenting process. A conceptual model for further analyses of the researcher’s patenting process has been proposed

    Analiza procesa patentiranja s poudarkom na fazah raziskovalnega procesa - primer Slovenije

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    Analyzing the process of patent submission with a special emphasis on the phases of the research proces